Families Talking Together
Wanting/needing to talk to your teen, but struggling with the best way?
Evidence supports the importance of parental influences on adolescent decision-making, interventions that incorporate the family in preventing adolescent risk behavior are scarce. Families Talking Together (FTT) focuses on parents as the primary influence in prevention of adolescent sexual risk behavior, unplanned pregnancies, and STIs.
The FTT intervention consists of:
Face-to-face intervention sessions (in-person or remote) between a parent and an interventionist;
Printed FTT intervention materials for parents;
Printed materials for parents to share with adolescents; and
Homework exercises assigned to parents, such as practicing communication about sexual health with their adolescent.
FTT can be delivered to parents individually, in group sessions, and in a range of settings (health clinics, schools, community-based organizations, households, etc.). The FTT Clinic adaptation specifically designed for delivery in adolescent primary care settings formally integrates healthcare providers (HCPs) into the FTT model, thereby adopting a triadic (HCP-parent-adolescent partnership) approach to SRH promotion. FTT was adapted in linguistically (English and Spanish) and culturally tailored versions for implementation with Latino and Black families.
If you would like more information, please fill out the form below.